Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Dance The Sāmoan Fa’ataupati and Sāsā



  • Understand the elements of the Sāmoan sāsā dance.
  • Analyze the sāsā dance based on different sources.
  • Gather and organize information from various print and digital sources.
  • Understand the elements of the Sāmoan fa’ataupati dance.
  • Analyze the fa’ataupati dance based on different sources.
  • Gather and organize information from various print and digital sources.


The sāsā is a form of dance that originates from the Polynesian islands of Sāmoa, and many groups continue to showcase this energetic cultural dance around the world. In this lesson, students will analyze various print and digital resources to learn about the different elements of the dance. Through partner talks, whole-group discussion, and a note-taking activity, students will learn about the characteristics of the Sāmoan sāsā.


  1. What is the Sāmoan sāsā?
  2. What is the Sāmoan fa’ataupati?
  3. How does the fa’ataupati compare to the sāsā?


  • Google Slides – Analyzing Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Dance: The Sāmoan Fa’ataupati and Sāsā
  • Graphic Organizer – Analyzing Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Dance: The Sāmoan Fa’ataupati and Sāsā

Lesson plan created in partnership with Diversify Our Narrative