Practicing Poetic Analysis with Native Hawaiian Poetry

OBJECTIVES: Develop an introductory knowledge and understanding of Native Hawaiian history, culture, literary traditions, and identity. Be able to identify rudimentary poetic elements: (speaker, form, imagery, figurative language, sound). Conduct basic literary analysis on a piece of poetry. Be able to identify the similarities and differences between two pieces of


How America Segregated Asian Americans: Racial Housing Covenants

OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to explore the role of racial housing covenants in segregating Asian American communities, as well as research and determine their modern-day social and economic consequences. Students will practice analyzing primary and secondary sources, including determining the central ideas, summarizing, and using specific textual or technical


Sikh and US Immigration History

OBJECTIVES: Understand the origins of Sikh immigration in the United States Analyze the historical context that proceeded the 1907 Bellingham Riots Discover the connection between Sikh history and US Immigration Acts


The Brown Asian American Power Movement

OBJECTIVES: At the end of this lesson, students should be familiar with all of the countries included under the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC), and with general details surrounding the Brown Asian American Power Movement. Students should also be able to identify the reasons for its initial failure


The Most Beautiful Thing

OBJECTIVES: Analyze the relationships between family, culture, beauty, and wealth. Understand the value of cultural wealth. Understand the history of the Hmong people and how it impacts us today.


The Story of Zero

OBJECTIVES: Understand and explain zero’s value as a number. Have students use zero in mathematical operations appropriate for their grade level. Know the story of zero and the unique contributions of those advancing the idea of zero as a numerical value, especially of Indian mathematicians.


Transcendentalism: A Comprehensive Introduction

OBJECTIVES: Students will identify and explain the causes, effects, and characteristics of the Transcendentalist movement and Transcendentalist texts in a short paragraph. Using an example from the literature examined in class, students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the varying Asian cultural and religious ideologies (i.e. Hinduism and


Understanding Micronesian Experiences In Hawaii

OBJECTIVES: Understand the prejudices that Micronesians face in Hawaiian societies and the roots of their discrimination. Hone analytical skills from a topic through collaborative thinking, writing, and discussion activities. Strengthen personal voice in writing activities after reading personal narratives from Micronesians to make text-to-self, text-to-text, or text-to-world connections.